Patient Engagement (PE) Definitions

Patient Partner

An equal partner on a research team whose valued lived experiences and expertise can inform and advise at all stages of the research cycle including research priorities, study conduct, participant recruitment and retention strategies, data collection and analysis and dissemination of results.

Patient Participant

Traditional role of patient as subject/participant in research study.

Patient-Oriented Research (POR)

A continuum of research that engages patients, focusses on patient-identified topics, and/or improves patient outcomes.

Patient engagement in research

Meaningful and active collaboration of patients in any or all phases of research (Figure 1).

Patient Engagement Collaborations and Partnerships

The Patient Engagement Platform strives to build community partnerships and research collaborations that enhance health research opportunities and outcomes across Alberta.

With our partners we combine efforts to better hear and include the voices of all Albertans in the health research that matters to them.

Our partners include:

  • Alberta Health Services (AHS)
  • Strategic Clinical Networks (SCNs)
  • community organizations
  • rural networks
  • patient groups
  • post-secondary research institutions
  • plus others across the province

Engaging with Community Organizations

Working with communities on projects that matter to them, helps identify and prioritize relevant research questions as well as build research capacity and create mentorship opportunities in diverse and valued communities. We are excited about the Immigrant Youth Mental Health (IYMH) project which seeks to identify and prioritize questions and concerns that Alberta’s immigrant communities have about youth mental health. Led by the PE Platform, this project is a collaboration with United Voices, Immigrant Services Calgary, and the Mental Health Commission of Canada.

The aim of the project is to identify the unanswered questions about youth mental health in Alberta’s newcomer communities. The results of this priority-setting project can help guide future research, be available for mental health advocacy, and serve as a framework for future collaborations. The results may also help inform more culturally appropriate mental wellness policy and practice.

Bringing Organizations Together

Supporting Collaboration in Health Research Teams

Working with National SPOR Networks