PaCER – Patient and Community Engagement Research

PaCER is an experiential learning certificate program designed for patients and offered through the University of Calgary Continuing Education, currently delivered online. Delivered over 12 months, the program is broken down into three courses based on specific PaCER methodology. Research teams sponsor cohorts of 4-6 students and learning is project based.

The PaCER Training Program teaches citizens with lived experience in healthcare how to conduct research by, for and with patients in their communities. The Program’s primary goal is to incorporate research-informed patient voices into health system research, planning and policy.


Incorporate a research-based patient perspective into healthcare and health research

Teach learners research skills and how to conduct patient-engaged research

Become a Patient Researcher

Include your voice in health research project priorities, planning and processes.

PaCER graduates work on health research projects in research teams and are supported through Alberta Strategy for Patient Oriented Research by helping them identify opportunities such as:

  • Join patient-oriented health research teams
  • Contribute to patient engaged research with health care improvement organizations and/or patient education opportunities
  • Consult on patient engagement and patient-oriented research aspects for health care teams, decision making bodies, and/or funding panels

Who are PaCERS?

  • Individuals with lived experience in healthcare as patients, caregivers or family members
  • Individuals who are part of a cohort team learning to conduct patient-engaged health research