eLearning Modules

and Videos

AbSPORU’s collection of eLearning modules and videos provide introductory literacy, skills and knowledge on key topics in patient-oriented research. These eLearning resources are free for you to access here, and some provide prerequisite learning required for taking the AbSPORU’s intermediate- and advanced-level Certificate Programs.

Check back here for more eLearning resources coming soon.


  • Introduction to Patient-Oriented Research
  • Patient Engagement in Patient-Oriented Research
  • Pragmatic Clinical Trials
  • Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility in Patient - Oriented Research
  • Implementation Science in Patient Oriented Research
  • Health Data
Introduction to Health Research & Patient-Oriented Research
40 Minutes to Complete

You take this module because you are curious about the basics of healthcare system, health research, and patient-oriented research in Canada.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the overview of Canadian health care system;
  • Recognize how the process and expectations of health research situates in the Canadian context;
  • Define patient-oriented research; and
  • Recognize the roots and evolution of patient-oriented research in Canada.
Introduction to Patient Engagement in Patient-Oriented Research
1 - 2 Hours to Complete

You take this module because you are curious about patient engagement in patient-oriented research particularly within the realm of the Canadian Institution of Health Research.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define patient engagement and compare the terms patient, patient partner, and patient participant within the context of the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) and patient-oriented research (POR);
  • List some approaches of patient engagement in patient-oriented research; and
  • Recognize the Strategy for Patient-Oriented (SPOR) Patient Engagement Framework as an essential tool.
Patient Partner Engagement in Health Research
30-60 minutes per section

This eLearning module introduces key health research concepts for patient partners interested in engaging in patient-oriented research.

This module contains 11 sections. Each section takes 30-60 minutes to complete. You do not have to complete all sections at once -- You can start the module, take a break, then return later to finish. You may complete the sections in whatever order you prefer, and you may choose to complete only the sections you wish.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the different ways a patient partner can contribute at each stage of the research process;
  • Explain different types of research methods and data and how these are used in patient-oriented research; and
  • Apply tools and criteria to review and evaluate a research project from a patient partner perspective.
Pragmatic Clinical Trials
4 hours to Complete

This eLearning module will develop your understanding of pragmatic clinical trials.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain what pragmatic clinical trials are and their role in health research
  • Recognize pragmatic clinical trial stakeholders and how to engage them
  • Evaluate pragmatic clinical trials using the PRECIS-II tool
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility in Patient – Oriented Research
1 - 2 Hours to Complete

This eLearning module will introduce you to the concepts of equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility (EDIA) within health research.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate what equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility (EDIA) refer to within the context of health research.
  • Recognize the fundamental principles of EDIA and their applications in health research.
  • List strategies and actions for embedding EDIA in patient-oriented research.
Introduction to Knowledge Translation in Patient-Oriented Research

Coming Soon.


Introductory Data Video Series

This series of 3 short animated videos describes how health research is gathered, how researchers access data, and how health data is protected.

Each video is 2-4 minutes long.